Have you searched something on your WordPress dashboard and found nothing after a very long search? It is time to stop manual searching and add a jump menu on your WordPress. By adding the Jump menu, you save lots of time on searching for something on your WordPress and jump directly to it directly from the search menu. It will be very much helpful for a blogging website as they have lots of content on your WordPress dashboard which makes the search process tedious. If you don’t have a jump menu on your WordPress then add one by following the guide below.
How to Add Jump Menu to WordPress Admin Area
[1] From your WordPress dashboard, click on the Plugin section. [2] Choose Add New in the expanded menu or on the top of the section. [3] Search for WP Jump Menu in the plugin store. [4] Click on Install Now and Activate the WP Jump Menu plugin. [5] Once activated, the WP Jump Menu will be displayed on the top of your WordPress dashboard. [6] Now you can search for anything under your Post and Page section (to add more section to the search continue reading).Also read: How to Add Pagination on a WordPress Site (Text and Numeric)

Note: You can manage the number of post types to shows in search, order by, order, etc.
[10] Click on Save Changes to modify the search result type.How to Style Jump Menu

Not just searching, but you can also do styling in your WordPress using some of the preset options available in it. To do that, go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Jump Menu Options. Here you can set the position of the Jump Menu bar, Text Alignment, Show ID, Show Post type, Status color for each type of post, Jump menu title, and many more. Once all the styling is done, click on Save Changes to apply changes on your jump menu.
These are ways with which you can add the Jump menu to your WordPress dashboard. You can also make the fixed jump menu position to a floating jump menu as per your wish. Hope this menu helps you make your searching within the website easier than before. You can also customize your admin dashboard with a lot of such useful features with the best WordPress Admins Themes & Plugins. If you have any queries or issues on accessing the Jump menu let us know in the comments section below.